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Light on the Nanoscale

Center for Advanced Theory and Material Simulation (CATMS) Lunch Series talk, UIUC, IL, Apr 2012.

Nano-optics and Chemistry

CGSA sponsored seminar, Chemistry Dept., University of Maryland Baltimore County, MD, Feb 2012.

Nano-optics and Chemistry: From Metals to Semiconductors

Chemistry Dept., University of Louisville, Louisville, KY, Jan 2012.

Nano-optics and Chemistry

Argonne National Lab, Center for Nanoscale Materials, IL, Jan 2012.

Actively Tunable Plasmon Resonances in Doped Semiconductor Quantum Dots

Invited Hot topic talk, Gordon Research Conference on Nanocrystals, Clusters, and Nanostructures, Mount Holyoke, MA, Jul 2011.

Photons, Ions, and Defects on the Nanoscale

IIT Bombay, Chemistry Dept., Mumbai, India, Jun 2011.



Lighting Up the Nanoscale

Invited keynote speech, National Science Teachers Association Symposium, San Francisco, CA, Mar 2011.

Photons, Ions, and Defects on the Nanoscale,

Materials Science and Engineering Dept., Cornell University, Ithaca, NY, Mar 2011.

Photons, Ions, and Defects on the Nanoscale

Dept. of Chemistry, UC Berkeley, CA, Jan 2011.

Photons, Ions, and Defects on the Nanoscale

Dept. of Chemistry, Yale University, New Haven, CT, Jan 2011.

Photons, Ions, and Defects on the Nanoscale

Dept. of Chemistry, University of Chicago, Chicago, IL, Dec 2010.

Photons, Ions, and Defects on the Nanoscale

Dept. of Chemistry, University of Wisconsin, Madison, WI, Dec 2010.

Photons, Ions, and Defects on the Nanoscale

Dept. of Chemistry, University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign, IL Dec 2010.

Photons, Ions, and Defects on the Nanoscale

Depts. of Chemical Sciences and of Condensed Matter Physics and Materials Science, Tata Institute of Fundamental Research, Mumbai, India, Nov 2010.

Lighting Up Nanostructures

Chemical Engineering and Physics Depts., Institute of Chemical Technology, Mumbai, India, Feb 2010.

Rational Design of Noble Metal Nanostructures: Implications for Nanosensing

Invited speaker, Program track on NanoScience, SPIE Optics + Photonics Annual Meeting, San Diego, CA, Aug 2009.

Using Nanostructures to Control Light: Implications for Biomedicine

University of California San Francisco Medical School, CA, Jul 2009.

Controlling Light at the Nanoscale Using Noble Metals

Department of Condensed Matter Physics and Materials Science, Tata Institute of Fundamental Research, Mumbai, Feb 2009.

Gold Nanoparticles: Properties and Some Applications in Medicine and Biology

Invited speaker, Program Track on Nano/Biophotonics, SPIE Photonics West, San Jose, CA, Jan 2009.

Surface Plasmon Resonance-Enhanced Magneto-optics (SuPREMO)

Center for Astrophysics, Harvard University, Cambridge, MA, Nov 2008.

Plasmonic Nanostructures for Enhancing Optical Activity

Chemistry and Chemical Biology Student and Postdoc Seminar Series, Harvard University, Cambridge, MA, Nov 2008.


A Universal Scaling Model for Materials Design of Plasmonic Nanostructures

Graduate Student Awards Symposium, Fall MRS Meeting, Boston, MA, Nov 2007.

The Physical Nature of Coupling between Noble Metal Plasmons

Atlanta Area Chemical Physics Prize Lectures, Emory University, Atlanta, GA, Mar 2008.

The Physical Nature of Plasmon Coupling

University of California at Berkeley, Liphardt Lab, Dept. of Physics, Nov 2007.

How Do Noble Metal Plasmons Couple,

Department of Chemistry and Chemical Biology, Harvard University, Oct 2007.

Plasmonic Gold Nanotechnology for the Diagnosis and Selective Photothermal Therapy of Cancer

Invited talk, Elan Drug Technologies Georgia Tech Visit, Petit Institute for Bioscience and Bioengineering, Georgia Institute of Technology, Atlanta, GA, Jan 2007.

Coupling in Nanoparticle Assemblies: An Interesting Look at Plasmons and their Nanotechnological Applications

PhD Student Awards Symposium, School of Chemistry and Biochemistry, Georgia Institute of Technology, Atlanta, GA, Oct 2006.



Plasmonic Nanomaterials: From Physical Chemistry Fundamentals to Societal Impacts, Apr 5-6, 2017, Spring 2017 ACS National Meeting, San Francisco, CA

Co-organizer with Catherine Murphy.

nanoBIO node Workshop on Light/Matter Interactions at the nanoBIO interface

Nov 28-29, 2016, UIUC, Urbana-Champaign, IL

Lead Organizer with Nahil Sobh, Progna Banerjee, and Bara Saadah.

Physical Principles in Functional Nanoscience: Symposium in Honor of Mostafa A. El-Sayed, Mar 13-17, 2016, Spring 2016 ACS National Meeting, San Diego, CA

Lead organizer with Stephan Link and Christy Landes.

nanoBIO node Workshop on Plasmonics & its Applications, Mar 21-22, 2016, University of Colorado at Boulder, CO

Co-organizer with Sayantani Ghosh, Nahil Sobh, and Ivan Smalyukh.

Functional Plasmonics, Nov 27 - Dec 2, 2016, Fall 2016 MRS National Meeting, Boston, MA, Co-organizer with Laura Na Liu (lead), Yuebing Zheng, and Yongmin Liu.



Key intermediates of carbon dioxide reduction on silver from vibrational nanospectroscopy, Mini-symposium: Multiple Potential Energy Surfaces, International Symposium on Molecular Spectroscopy, Urbana, IL, Jun 2017.

Imaging carbon dioxide reduction on single nanoparticles, Session on Applications of Microspectroscopy for Materials Characterization, Pittcon 2017, Chicago, IL, Mar 2017.



Photon-dressed chemical reactions

Department of Chemistry—Ångström Laboratory, Uppsala University, Uppsala, Sweden, Nov 2024.


Fast ions in nanostructures

Materials for Sustainable Development Conference (MATSUS Fall 24), Lausanne, Switzerland, Nov 2024.

Thermodynamics and kinetics of plasmonic carrier harvesting

Materials for Sustainable Development Conference (MATSUS Fall 24), Lausanne, Switzerland, Nov 2024.

Vibrational probing of nonthermal reactivity

Invited seminar, Plasmonics and SPR session, SciX 2024, Raleigh, NC, Oct 2024.


Chemical manufacturing using light

Invited seminar, Department of Chemistry, American Chemical Society Rock River Local Section and Northern Illinois University, Dekalb, IL, Oct 2024.


Plasmonic manufacturing of fuels and chemicals

Symposium on Functional Metal and Related Oxide Nanomaterials: Synthesis, Characterization, and Applications, 32nd International Materials Research Conference, Cancún, México, Aug 2024.


My path to alternative chemistry

Honor Initiate talk, 57th Conclave of Alpha Chi Sigma, Urbana, IL, Jul 2024.


Features of plasmonic photocatalysis deduced from single-molecule-level studies

Symposium B07 on Renewable Fuels via Artificial Photosynthesis or Heterocatalysis, 245th Electrochemical Society Meeting, San Francisco, CA, May 2024.

Simultaneous use of electric fields and plasmonic carriers for catalysis

Symposium I02 on Light Energy Conversion with Metal Halide Perovskites, Inorganic/Organic Hybrid Materials, and Dynamic Exciton, 245th Electrochemical Society Meeting, San Francisco, CA, May 2024.

Few-electron plasmon resonances

Condensed Matter Physics seminar, Department of Physics, University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign, Urbana, IL, Apr 2024.

Path of a photon in artificial photosynthesis

Food for Thought talk, Center for Advanced Study, University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign, Urbana, IL, Apr 2024.


From photons to chemical bonds

Department of Chemistry Seminar, Missouri University of Science and Technology, Rolla, MO, Mar 2024.

From photons to chemical bonds

Physics and Astronomy Seminar, University of Texas at San Antonio, San Antonio, TX, Mar 2024.

Catalysts dressed in light

Akron ACS Award Seminar, Department of Chemistry, University of Akron, Akron, OH, Nov 2023.

The photoficiation of chemical manufacturing

Akron ACS Award Seminar, Kent State University, Kent, OH, Nov 2023.


The chemical potential of light

Jeffrey I. Zink Inorganic Chemistry Seminar, University of California at Los Angeles, Los Angeles, CA, Nov 2023.

The rise and fall of LK-99

Data Sciences Institute Reproducibility Thematic Program Workshop, University of Toronto, Toronto, ON, Canada, Oct 2023.

Holes in the LK-99 story

Physical Chemistry Seminar, University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign, Urbana, IL Sep 2023.

Uncovering mechanisms and intermediates in plasmonic catalysis

Invited talk, Symposium on Catalyst Dynamics of Active Sites, Catalyst Structure, and Reaction Environment, American Chemical Society Fall 2023 National Meeting, San Francisco, CA, Aug 2023.

Plasmonic nanoparticle electrodes for zero-carbon fuels

Invited talk, Colloid & Surface Chemistry (COLL) Division Nanomaterials Symposium, American Chemical Society Fall 2023 National Meeting, San Francisco, CA, Aug 2023.

Chemical reactivity at the interface of catalysis and plasmonics

Invited talk, Symposium on Molecular and Heterogeneous Photocatalysts: Advances in Experiments and Theory, American Chemical Society Fall 2023 National Meeting, San Francisco, CA, Aug 2023.

Cold truths about hot electrons

Invited talk, Telluride Workshop on Solar Solutions to Energy and Environmental Problems, Telluride, CO, Jul 2023.


Opportunities and challenges in plasmonically powered processes

Invited discussion leader, Gordon Research Conference on Plasmonically Powered Processes, Ventura, CA, Jun 2023.


Non-equilibrium conversion using plasmons

Invited talk, International Conference on Surface Plasmon Photonics (SPP10), Rice University, Houston, TX, May 2023.

The interface of plasmonics and catalysis

Chemistry colloquium, Northwestern University, Chicago, IL, May 2023.

Manufacturing fuels and chemicals using plasmonically concentrated light

Nanomaterials and Sustainability virtual workshop at the APS/CNM user meeting, Argonne National Laboratory, Argonne, IL, May 2023 (delivered virtually).

Catalysis in photonic fields

Physical Chemistry Seminar, MIT, Cambridge, MA, Apr 2023.

The interface of plasmonics and catalysis

Invited talk, Symposium on Molecular and Colloidal Plasmonics–Synthesis and Applications, 2023 MRS Spring Meeting, San Francisco, CA, Apr 2023.

Electroconversion beyond the equilibrium limit using plasmons

Invited talk, Symposium on Nanosized Photocatalysts–From Fundamentals to Applications, 2023 MRS Spring Meeting, San Francisco, CA, Apr 2023.

Catalysis in photonic fields

Invited lecture, International Lecture Series on Nanophotonics, organized by Faculty of Physics, Ludwig-Maximilians Univeristy (LMU), Munich, Germany, Jan 2023 (delivered virtually).


Novel forms of catalysis using plasmons

Invited talk, International Symposium on Emerging Nanoarchitectures and Plasmonics for Energy Conversion 2022 (ENAPEC22), organized by Curtin University and Australian National University, Nov 2022 (delivered virtually).


Manufacturing fuels and chemicals using light

Invited talk, Conference on Advances in Catalysis for Energy and Environment (CACEE-2022), Mumbai, India, Oct 2022 (delivered virtually).


The interface of optics and catalysis

CBE Shell seminar series, Colorado School of Mines, Golden, CO, Oct 2022.


Non-equilibrium electroconversion using plasmons

Invited talk, Symposium on Photocatalysts, Photoelectrochemical Cells, and Solar Fuels, 242nd ECS Meeting, Atlanta, GA, Oct 2022.


Manufacturing fuels and chemicals using concentrated light

Invited webinar, 3M NTFA Symposium, Aug 2022.


Manufacturing fuels and chemicals using concentrated light

British Petroleum International Center for Advanced Studies (bp-ICAM) webinar, Aug 2022.

YouTube link


Keynote talk, Advanced Photonic Congress, Optical Society of America (OSA) Novel Optical Materials and Applications (NOMA) conference, Session on Hot Electrons and Non-thermal Processes, Maastricht, Netherlands, UK, Jul 2022 (delivered virtually).


Energetic charge states in plasmonic catalysis

Invited talk, CECAM workshop on Light-matter interaction and ultrafast nonequilibrium dynamics in plasmonic materials, University of Warwick, Coventry, UK, Jul 2022.

Harvesting the free energy of light by plasmonic excitation

Invited talk, Gordon research conference (GRC) on Plasmonics and Nanophotonics, Newry, ME, Jul 2022.

The interface of plasmonics and catalysis
Keynote talk, Symposium on Plasmonics: From Synthesis to Applications, CCCE 2022, Calgary, Canada, Jun 2022.

The photification of chemical manufacturing

Keynote talk, Baekeland Award symposium, Fairleigh Dickinson University, Morristown, NJ, May 2022.

Lights, catalyst, action!

Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry, The University of Texas at El Paso, TX, Mar 2022.


Nanoantennas for harvesting light and driving chemical transformations

Keynote lecture, Nanomaterials for Energy Conversion and Storage Application (NECSA-2022), held virtually, Jan 2022.


Inducing new catalytic behavior in noble metal nanoparticles by light excitation

Session on Trends in Plasmonic Photochemistry, Pacifichem 2021, held virtually, Dec 2021.


Storing light energy in chemical bonds

Southern Illinois University, Carbondale, IL, Oct 2021.


Manufacturing chemicals using light

Truman State University, American Chemical Society Chapter talk, Kirksville, MO, held virtually, Oct 2021.

Fast ions in nanostructures

1st International Shell Advanced Energy Storage Battery Conference, held virtually, Sep 2021.


Holes in the plasmonic chemistry story

Session on Plasmonically driven processes and energy conversion II, METANANO 2021, held virtually, Sep 2021.

Storing energy from plasmons in chemical bonds

Nanoplasmonics Track, 21st IEEE International Conference on Nanotechnology (NANO 2021), held virtually, Jul 2021.

From photons to chemical bonds

Keynote lecture, Plasmonics symposium, 95th ACS Colloid and Surface Science Symposium, held virtually, Jun 2021.


Three surprises from single-molecule-level probing of a photocatalyst

Probing Chemical Reactions by Single-Molecule Spectroscopy 2021 Conference, held virtually, Jun 2021.


Using concentrated light for the manufacturing of fuels and chemicals

Chemistry in the times of Corona seminar (held virtually), Shell Oil, Apr 2021.


Harnessing light using chemistry

Guest lecture (held virtually), ACS Student Chapter, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, Urbana, IL, Apr 2021.


The path from light to chemical bonds

Division of Chemistry and Biological Chemistry Virtual Seminar Series, Nanyang Technological University, Singapore, Mar 2021.


Light-matter coupling for energy harvesting and chemical manufacturing

Department of Physics, Pabna University of Science and Technology, Bangladesh, Feb 2021.


Special relativity and optical control of chemistry

Department of Physics & Astronomy colloquium (held virtually), Ohio University, Athens, OH, Feb 2021.


An emerging paradigm in nanoparticle-based photocatalysis

Webinar for News in Nanocrystals Community (NiNC), Jan 2021.


Plasmonic chemistry: concepts and controversies

Opening webinar in series on Elementary Processes of Light-Driven Reactions at Nanoscale Metals, Institut für Physik und Astronomie, Universität Potsdam, Potsdam and Ultrafast Dynamics group, Helmholtz-Zentrum, Berlin, Germany, Jan 2021.

Harnessing the chemical potential of light

Department of Chemistry seminar (held virtually), Dalhousie University, Halifax, NS, Canada, Nov 2020.


Harvesting the free energy of light using gold

Invited webinar on “Gold for catalysis” by a highly cited research over the past 3 years, International GOLD conference, Nov 2020.


Plasmonic materials

VAIBHAV summit of the Government of India, session on Advanced Materials co-organized by IISER Thiruvananthapuram

(held virtually), Oct 2020.


Capturing intermediates and intrinsic noise in CO2 reduction catalysis (as-published title)

260th ACS National meeting, PHYS symposium on Spectroscopy for Understanding Catalysis, held virtually, Aug 2020.


Harvesting charge carriers and free energy from plasmonic excitations

Plasmonic Photonics Session, Virtual Conference on Nanoscale Science and Technology (VC-NST) 2020, Hosted online amid COVID-19 outbreak, Mar 2020.

The chemical potential of plasmonic excitations

2nd Frontiers in Photochemistry Conference, Nassau, The Bahamas, Feb 2020.

Plasmonic photosynthesis

Physical Chemistry Seminar, Purdue University, West Lafayette, IN, Dec 2019.

Turning plasmons in C-C and C-H bonds

Graduate seminar series, Chemical Engineering, Oklahoma State University, Nov 2019.

What goes on at the surface of a plasmonic catalyst?

Innovative Nanomaterials for Electronics, Energy, Photonics & Bioanalytics, 2019 ACS Southwest-Rocky Mountain Regional Meeting, El Paso, TX, Nov 2019.

Using plasmons for harvesting energy and tuning reaction selectivity

Light for Energy: Photonic & Thermal Nanotechnology, 2019 ACS Southwest-Rocky Mountain Regional Meeting, El Paso, TX, Nov 2019.

Plasmonic photosynthesis

Plasmonics and Solar Energy Conversion (I04), 236th ECS National Meeting, Atlanta, GA, Oct 2019.


Unusual catalog of hydrocarbons captured in plasmon-catalyzed chemistry,

Symposium on Getting to the Bottom: Optical & Electron Imaging of Reactive Chemical Systems, 258th ACS National Meeting, San Diego, CA, Aug 2019.


Harvesting plasmons for the formation of energy-rich bonds

Research seminar, University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong, Aug 2019.


Plasmonically-powered energy storage in carbon-carbon bonds,

Gordon Research Conference on Plasmonically Powered Processes, Hong Kong, Jul 2019.

Label-free single-molecule-imaging of a catalytic reaction,

Plenary Talk, 4th International Conference on Enhanced Spectroscopies, London, Ontario, Canada, Jun 2019.

Plasmon excitation-driven reduction and coupling of carbon dioxide molecules

Symposium on Renewable Fuels via Artificial Photosynthesis or Heterocatalysis (I03), 235th ECS National Meeting, Dallas, TX, May 2019.

Multi-electron harvesting and catalysis using plasmonic nanoparticles: A mechanistic understanding

Symposium on Light Energy Conversion (B07), 235th ECS National Meeting, Dallas, TX, May 2019.

Plasmonic photosynthesis

Fitzpatrick Institute of Photonics Seminar Co-hosted with Chemistry, MEMS & MatSci, Duke University, Durham, NC, Apr 2019.


Fixing carbon with assistance from plasmon excitations

Physical/Analytical Seminar, Texas A&M University, College Station, TX, Oct 2018.

Watching carbon fixation on a plasmonic catalyst nanoparticle

Symposium on Technical Developments & Applications of Optical Chemical Imaging, 256th ACS National Meeting, Boston, MA, Aug 2018.


Carbon fixation on plasmonic catalysts

Department of Chemical Sciences, Tata Institute of Fundamental Research, Jun 2018.


Carbon fixation on plasmonic catalysts

College of Environment and Energy, South China University of Science and Technology, May 2018.

Carbon fixation on plasmonic catalysts

School of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering, Nanjing University, May 2018.

Carbon fixation on plasmonic catalysts

Electroanalytical Chemistry Lecture Series, Changchun Institute of Applied Chemistry, May 2018.


Carbon dioxide to hydrocarbon conversion on plasmonic catalysts

Frontiers in Photochemistry Conference, Cancun, MX, Feb 2018.

Turning photons into chemical bonds: Artificial photosynthesis, sculpting EM fields, multi-electronic states, and forging energy-rich bonds

Lunch hour seminar, American Vacuum Society UIUC student chapter, Urbana, IL, Oct 2017.​

Turning photons into chemical bonds

Chemistry seminar, Wabash College, Crawfordsville, IN, Oct 2017.

Turning photons into chemical bonds using strong light-matter coupling

Invited keynote/award talk, AVS Prairie Chapter meeting, Milwaukee, WI, Sep 2017.

Turning photons into chemical bonds

Kavli Emerging Leader in Chemistry Lecture, 254th ACS National Meeting, Washington DC, Aug 2017.


Key insights into carbon dioxide photoreduction from single-nanoparticle catalysis studies

Invited talk, Colloidal Metal and Semiconductor Nanostructures Symposium, 254th ACS National Meeting, Washington DC, Aug 2017.

Advanced energy materials: Plasmonics, superionics, and artificial photosynthesis

NaNaX8 conference, Braga, Portugal, Jul 2017.

Chemical secrets told, one nanocrystal at a time

Physical Chemistry seminar, UIUC, Urbana, IL, Sep 2016.

Plasmon in a box

Invited talk, Symposium on new directions in nanoplasmonics, SciX 2016, Minneapolis, MN, Sep 2016.

Dynamics and heterogeneity of carbon dioxide adsorption and photoreduction uncovered from single-nanoparticle studies

Invited talk, Symposium on Composite Colloids for SERS Biodetection, 252nd ACS National Meeting, Philadelphia, PA, Aug 2016.

The nature of nanocrystalline transformations

Seminar in Catalysis Chapter, 3M, St. Paul, MN, Jun 2016.

Learning atomistic secrets from nanosolids

Physical Chemistry seminar, MIT, Cambridge, MA, May 2016.

Atomic secrets of solid-state transformations

Physical Chemistry seminar, Stanford University, Palo Alto, CA, May 2016.

Atomic secrets of solid-state transformations

Physical Chemistry seminar, Rice University, Houston, TX, Apr 2016.

Learning atomistic secrets of chemistry from nanosolids

Physical/Analytical Chemistry seminar, Iowa State University, Ames, IA, Apr 2016.

The nature of nanocrystalline transformations

Webinar for NSF Center for Sustainable Nanotechnology, University of Wisconsin-Madison, Madison, WI, Mar 2016.

Plasmon in a box

Invited lecture in honor of Priestley medalist M. A. El-Sayed, Physical principles in functional nanoscience, 251st ACS National Meeting, San Diego, CA, Mar 2016.

Some hidden facts about chemistry in the solid-state

Chemical Physics seminar, Caltech, Pasadena, CA, Feb 2016.

Some hidden facts about chemistry in the solid-state

Physical Chemistry seminar, University of Wisconsin-Madison, Madison, WI, Nov 2015.

Some hidden facts about chemistry in the solid-state

Physical Chemistry seminar, University of Colorado, Boulder, CA, Nov 2015.

Some hidden facts about chemistry in the solid-state

Physical Chemistry seminar, University of California, Berkeley, CA, Oct 2015.

Some hidden facts about chemistry in the solid-state

James Frank Institute Colloquium, University of Chicago, Chicago, IL, Sep 2015.

Hidden dynamics of solid-state reactions, revealed one nanocrystal at a time

JPC C Award lecture, 250th ACS National Meeting, Boston, MA, Aug 2015.

Collective behavior in the solid-state

MRSEC colloquium, Northwestern University, Evanston, IL , May 2015.

Collective behavior in the solid-state elucidated by plasmonic spectroscopy

Invited talk, Symposium on Probing Nano-Plasmonic Phenomena at the Single Molecule, Single Electron, & Single Photon Level, 249th ACS National Meeting, Denver, CO, Mar 2015.

Atomistic insights into chemical reactions, one nanocrystal at a time

DuPont, Mar 2015.

Atomistic insights into reactive and catalytic transformations, one nanocrystal at a time

Physical Chemistry seminar, Cornell University, Mar 2015.

Atomistic insights into reactive and catalytic transformations, one nanocrystal at a time

Physical Chemistry seminar, University of California Los Angeles, Mar 2015.

Atomistic insights into reactions, one nanocrystal at a time

MRSEC colloquium, Columbia University, Jan 2015.

Collective behavior of electrons and atoms in the solid-state, CeNSE seminar, Indian Institute of Science, Bengaluru, India, Jan 2015.

Making a difference through your work: Some examples from nanoscience research

Keynote address, National Honor Society Induction Ceremony, Champaign Central High School, Dec 2014.

Atomistic insights into reactive transformations obtained one nanocrystal at a time

Department of Chemical Engineering, University of Illinois at Chicago, Nov 2014.

Collective behavior of electrons and atoms in nanosolids

Materials Chemistry seminar, Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry, Indiana University, Nov 2014.

Atomistic insights into reactive and catalytic transformations obtained from single-nanocrystal studies Physical Chemistry seminar, School of Chemistry and Biochemistry, Georgia Institute of Technology, Sep 2014.

Deciphering solid-state chemistry and catalysis one nanocrystal at a time

Noble Metal Nanoparticles Gordon Research Conference, Jul 2014.

Collective behavior of electrons and ions

Institut des NanoSciences de Paris, Universite Pierre et Marie Curie, Paris, France, Jun 2014.

Collective behavior of electrons and ions

Laboratory for Nanoscience. Instrumentation, & Optics, Universite de Technologie de Troyes, France, Jun 2014.

Chemistry on the nanoscale

Physical/Analytical Seminar, Department of Chemistry, University of Notre Dame, IN, May 2014.

Deciphering solid-state chemistry on the nanoscale

MSE colloquium, Stanford, Palo Alto, CA, Apr 2014.

Deciphering chemistry on the nanoscale using optical spectroscopy

Modern Optics seminar, MIT, Cambridge, MA, Apr 2014.

Elucidating chemical transformations one nanocrystal at a time

INDI seminar, Indiana University-Purdue University, Indianapolis, IN, Mar 2014.

Chemistry on the nanoscale

Golden Jubilee Visiting Fellow lecture, Institute of Chemical Technology, Mumbai, India, Jan 2014.

Elucidating chemical transformations one nanocrystal at a time

Invited talk, Institute of Materials Science & Engineering, Washington University at St. Louis, Nov 2013.

Elucidating chemical transformations one nanocrystal at a time

Invited talk, M. A. El-Sayed 80th Birthday Symposium, ACS Southeastern Meeting, Atlanta, GA, Nov 2013.

Chemical transformations on the nanoscale

Invited talk, Nanocrystal Analytical Chemistry Session, 246th ACS National Meeting, Indianapolis, IN, Sep 2013.

Single-nanocrystal reaction trajectories reveal co-operative nature of transition

Invited Young Investigator talk, Gordon Research Conference on Nanocrystals, Mount Holyoke, MA, Aug 2013.

Nanoscience in the Classroom: Nanoparticles, light, and solar energy,

Hot topic session, Beginning Teacher STEM Conference, Champaign, IL, Jul 2013.

Chemical transformations on the nanoscale

Plenary talk, 87th ACS Colloids and Surface Science Symposium, Riverside, CA, Jun 2013.

Computational Nano-Optics

Invited talk, Institute for Advanced Computing Applications and Technologies, UIUC, Urbana, IL, Jun 2013.

Optical Computing

Google Solve for [X], San Martin, CA, Feb 2013.

YouTube link

Nanocrystal Chemistry and Photochemistry

Genesys Crystal and Graphene Science Symposium, Boston, MA, Sep 2012.

Controlling Electrons, Ions, and Photons Using Inorganic Nanostructures

Dow Chemical Day, UIUC Young Investigator talk, UIUC, IL, May 2012.

Nano-optics and Chemistry

Berkeley Nanotechnology Forum 2012, UC Berkeley, CA, Apr 2012.



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