Prashant K. Jain
G. L. Clark Professor of Physical Chemistry
Professor of Chemistry
Associate Head of Undergraduate Instruction
University Scholar
​Professor of the Materials Research Lab
Faculty ​Affiliate, Physics
Faculty Affiliate, Illinois Quantum Information Science and Technology Editorial Advisory Board Member, JACS
Editorial Advisory Board Member, The Journal of Chemical Physics
217-333-3417, Fax: (217)244-3186
jain (at) illinois (dot) edu
Curriculum Vitae
Elected Fellow of the American Physical Society
Guggenheim Fellow
​Elected Fellow of the AAAS
Fellow of the Royal Society of Chemistry
Sloan Fellow
​Kavli Fellow, National Academy of Sciences
Presidential Early Career Award (PECASE)
MIT TR35 Inventor
Akron American Chemical Society Award
Endowed G. L. Clark Professor
University Scholar
Kavli Emerging Leader in Chemistry Lectureship
​Leo Hendrik Baekeland Medal
Beilby Medal, Royal Society of Chemistry & IOM3
Honor Initiate, Alpha Chi Sigma
Center for Advanced Study Associate
​National Academy of Engineering Frontiers
National Academy of Engineering E2I Innovator
Defense Science Study Group Member
NSF I-ADVANCE Faculty Fellow
Highly Cited Researcher, Clarivate Analytics
​Most Cited Researchers in ChemE, Elsevier Scopus
Beckman Young Investigator
Alumni Research Scholar
Science News Ten Scientists to Watch (SN10)
Blavatnik National Awards Finalist
Campus Distinguished Promotion Award (2x)
​​​Chemistry Discovery Fund Award​
Richard & Margaret Romano Professorial Scholar
AVS Prairie Chapter Early Career Award
​I. C. Gunsalus Scholar
J Phys Chem C Lectureship Award
Dupont Young Professor Award
ACS Unilever Award
Center for Advanced Study Beckman Fellow
​3M Nontenured Faculty Award
ACS/PRF Doctoral New Investigator
IACAT Faculty Fellow, NCSA
​Golden Jubilee Visiting Fellowship, ICT
​Google SfX Moonshot thinker/speaker
2024 Campus Award for Excellence in Undergraduate Teaching
2024 LAS Dean's Award for Excellence in Undergraduate Teaching
2015 SCS Faculty Teaching Award
UIUC List of Teachers Ranked as Excellent
(Fa'24, Sp'24, Fa'22, Fa'21, Sp'21, Sp' 20, Fa'19, Sp' 18, Fa'16, Fa'15, Sp'15, Sp'14, Fa'12)
Outstanding Ratings in Fa'19, Sp'20, Fa'22.
​Chem 444: Physical Chemistry II
Sp'15, 18, 20, 21, 24 | Fa'19, 20, 21, 22, 24
Chem 445/7: Physical Principles Lab I/II
Sp'13, 14, 18 | Fa'13, 14, 15,16
Chem 544A: Graduate Statistical Mechanics
Fa'11 | Fa'12
Chem 545: Graduate Physical Chemistry Seminar
Sp'19, 22 | Fa'25
BIOGRAPHY: Prashant Jain earned an undergraduate degree in polymer engineering at the Institute of Chemical Technology. Because of his strong interest in physics and chemistry, he switched to physical chemistry when he started graduate school at Georgia Tech. With M. A. El-Sayed at Georgia Tech, Prashant investigated the nature of energy and carrier relaxation in photoexcited metal nanoparticles using ultrafast spectroscopy and theoretical electrodynamics. Following his PhD, Prashant moved to Harvard University as the first postdoctoral researcher in Adam Cohen's lab. At Harvard, Prashant obtained training in single-molecule microscopy and helped launch a research program on magneto-optical and chiro-optical phenomena. An offer of a Miller Fellowship took Prashant to UC Berkeley, where he was hosted by A. P. Alivisatos. In the Alivisatos group, Prashant established the topotactic nature of cation exchange reactions in ionic nanocrystals and novel effects of doping in quantum dot nanocrystals. Prashant now directs a research laboratory on nanoscale light-matter interactions at UIUC, where he is the G. L. Clark Professor of Physical Chemistry in the Department of Chemistry and Professor of the Materials Research Lab, University Scholar, and an affiliate faculty member of Physics and Illinois Quantum Information Science and Engineering (IQUIST).
His lab at UIUC is best known for the concept of plasmonic redox catalysis, superresolution vibrational imaging of catalysts, and the discovery of quantum plasmon resonances in non-metallic nanostructures. Prashant teaches graduate & undergraduate physical chemistry for which he has received recognition, including the Campus Award for Excellence in Undergraduate Teaching, the LAS Dean's Award for Excellence in Teaching, the School of Chemical Sciences Faculty Teaching Award, and a mention on UIUC's Excellent Teachers list for every course he has taught. Prashant is lead developer of nanoDDSCAT & nanoDDSCAT+, an open-source computational toolkit for nano-optics and photonics, which has been used to launch ~1 million simulations by users across the world. Prashant is currently on the Editorial Advisory Boards of Journal of the American Chemical Society (JACS) and the Journal of Chemical Physics (JCP). Previously he has served as a member of the DARPA/IDA Defense Science Study Group, Scientific advisor for Sebacia Inc., member of the Editorial Advisory Board of the Journal of Physical Chemistry, Guest Editor for the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, Guest Editor for the Journal of Chemical Physics, Guest Editor for the Journal of Physical Chemistry, member of the advisory board of Nanospectroscopy, Associate Head of Major Projects in the Department of Chemistry, and Chair of the Chemical Physics PhD program. He currently serves as Associate Head of undergraduate instruction, on the faculty hiring and promotion committee, and as the Diversity Advocate for the department. Prashant's research has been cited ~34,000 times (Scholar profile) and highlighted in numerous science media features (links). He has published 120 peer-reviewed journal articles, earned 3 US patents, and given 140 invited/award/keynote/plenary lectures. Some scientific milestones are listed below along with citations.
​Developed plasmonic redox catalysis and photosynthesis
PNAS 2024, JPCC 2024, JACS 2022, Nature Comm 2021, JPC C 2021, Angew Chem 2020, Angew Chem 2020, Angew Chem 2020, MRS Bulletin 2020, Nature Comm 2019, Nature Chem 2018, ACS Energy Lett 2019, JPC C 2019, Nature Comm 2018, ACS Nano 2018, JACS 2018, Nano Lett 2018, Nano Lett 2018, ACS Energy Lett, 2018, Nano Lett 2016, ACS Catalysis 2017, Angew Chem 2019, Nano Today 2015.
Co-discovered plasmon resonances in doped quantum dots
Nature Comm. 2017, Chem. Mater. 2022, JPC Lett. 2014, JPC Lett. (Perspective) 2014, Angew. Chem. 2013, JPC Lett. 2013, PRL 2013, Israel J. Chem. 2012, Nature Mater. 2011, TR35, Google SfX
Engineered superionicity on the nanoscale
ACS Nano 2022, Nano Lett 2021, Nature Comm. 2019, Nature Comm 2019, Angew Chem 2019, Chem Mater 2019, Angew Chem 2018, JPC Lett 2018, Nature Comm. 2017.
Reclassified solid-state reactions as co-operative phase transitions
Nature Comm 2013, Nano Lett 2014, Angew. Chem. 2014, Nano Lett 2015, Angew. Chem. 2016, JACS 2016, Chem. Mater 2016, PCCP 2016, JMC A 2017.
Co-developed nanostructured sorbents for sulfur cleanup
Nature Nanotech. 2012, Angew Chem 2015, US Patent 2016, US Patent 2017, IChemE Energy Award Highly Commended Technology, RSC Advances 2018
Employed cation exchange for new nanocrystalline phases
Nature Comm. 2017, Angew Chem 2019, Angew Chem 2018, Chem Mater 2017, Chem. Soc. Rev. 2013, Angew. Chem. 2011, JACS 2010, Chem. Mater 2016, Chem Mater 2019.
Developed scaling rules and bonding model of plasmonic fields
JPC Lett 2018, Nano Lett. 2014, JPC C 2015, Nano Lett. 2010, JPC B 2006, ACS Nano 2010, Chem. Phys. Lett. 2010, Nano Lett. 2008, JPC Lett. 2008, Nano Lett. 2007
Formulated new spectroscopic selection rules in near-fields
JPCC 2014, PNAS 2011, Nano Lett. 2008
Developed guidelines for biomedical use of gold nanoparticles
Acc. Chem. Res. 2008, Nano Today 2007, JPCB 2006